Victoria wasn’t really conscious of her crooked teeth, as she called them, but once she noticed them, she started to look at the possibility of having them straightened. When, in October 2014 Victoria became engaged to be married and the enquiries of the possible options turned into;

  • What teeth straightening system I need?
  • When can I start? and
  • Will it be completed in time for my wedding?

The thought of crooked teeth on Victoria’s wedding photos was not an option!


Victoria’s  before photos can be seen below – click on them to enlarge.

This is the result of 6 months of Invisible brace treatment, completed in plenty of time for the wedding!


After Victoria’s journey, we asked her to tell us about the experience:-

What made you choose Precision Dental?

I knew the location in Rotherham well having worked just up the road; it was easy to get to from work and so appealed to me in the first instance for those reasons. The information I received over the phone on initially enquiring was very accurate and I was prepared with the price and what my treatment would include. Stephen and the team were incredibly welcoming from that first appointment and explained the options available to me. Payment options, including finance and appointments were all discussed at that first appointment so I went away knowing everything I needed to make my decision.

How did it impact on your everyday life Victoria?

At first I felt quite conscious of having the brace in, my lips felt like they were sticking out really far!! At first my teeth felt quite sensitive and tender even to the lightest touch but that quickly passed and even with adjustments it wasn’t that uncomfortable at any time during treatment. It was difficult to bite into things but if I chopped things up I didn’t feel like I missed out on much. After having my braces taken off some of my colleagues even commented that they didn’t know I had had a brace on, so that proves how discrete they are.

How does Victoria feel now?

I am over the moon with the outcome of my treatment; I couldn’t be happier and love to smile. I’ve had plenty of comments about how white my teeth are and how lovely my smile is. The wedding photos turned out perfectly, I couldn’t stop smiling.


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